Joshua Casey Garland

Joshua Casey Garland, CEO and Founder, CFP® Professional


Meet Joshua Casey Garland.

Ten years ago, I began my financial career at Fidelity Investments. During that time in 2014, I earned the Certified Financial Planning TM designation and graduated from Ohio University with an MBA degree with a concentration in finance. I later moved on to TD Ameritrade where, after multiple years of high performance,

I ultimately was given to opportunity to take on a new role as Branch Manager of the TD Ameritrade Louisville office.  I lead a team of three financial consultants and worked directly with high-net-worth families and business owners. 

Throughout my career, I have been recognized by my employers, co-workers, and clients for being a top financial advisor by earning multiple awards including “Circle of Champions”, “Excellent in Action”, “Presidents Circle” and “MVP”. 

Why he’s here.

After 10 years of working in the financial industry for big firms, I realized I could give more and do more for my clients independently. I started Shepherd Wealth Management because I believe it is my Duty, Obligation, and Responsibility to utilize the gifts God has given me. Performance, Purpose, and Passion are three marks of a Good Shepherd and these are the pillars that I have built my life and firm around. My goal is to help families, business owners, and anyone looking to take control of their finances while also making a significant impact on the world and our community.  Unlike many companies in society today, I believe it is about making money and making a difference for the better. Therefore, I choose to invest in the community by donating a portion of Shepherd Wealth Management's revenue to charitable and philanthropic organizations.

John Ashcroft,  President of Shepherd Wealth Management

Meet John Ashcroft.

I’ve been in the financial industry since 2004 and bring 18 years of experience to the Shepherd Wealth Management team.  It is my goal to deliver a superior customer service experience while providing sound investment solutions to help clients meet specific financial needs.  I earned my bachelor degree from the University of Pittsburgh, and received an executive certificate in financial planning from Duquesne University.  Through out my career I have been recognized by employers, clients and coworkers with many awards for being a top advisor. 

After working in the financial industry for 18 years, I realized I can do more for my clients independently.   This is why I chose to partner with Joshua Casey Garland and join the Shepherd Wealth Management team.

Shepherd Wealth Management

Our Core Values


A good shepherd knows that performance MATTERS! 

Shepherds would travel hundreds of miles in the weather and elements to feed their flock and protect them from becoming victims of roaming predators.  The livelihood of the flock and family depended greatly on the shepherd performing at their best.

As a good Financial Shepherd, it is my duty to ensure that my clients don’t fall victim to the market, keeping them on the right path to achieve their vision of long-term financial success.


I believe that through acts of humility, service, and discipline within my personal life and professional career, we can continue to deliver help those around us.

Shepherd Wealth Management is committed to donating a portion of its revenue to local charitable and philanthropic organizations.

During each of our client's quarterly performance reviews, we celebrate the impact we are making in our community and around the world.

We’re giving today to build a better tomorrow.


Good shepherds must passionately utilize every gift and ability they have been blessed them with.

As a good shepherd, it is my duty, obligation, and responsibility to utilize the gifts I have been given and do good with them. My gifts of knowledge for financial planning and wealth management will be used for the financial betterment of others.

As a good Financial Shepherd, it is my duty, obligation, and responsibility to help you achieve your vision of a successful, purposeful, and passionate life filled with financial peace of mind.

Shepherd Wealth Management’s 10% Charitable Donations Commitment

Shepherd Wealth Management’s Charitable Donations Commitment

Our Charitable Donations Commitment

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” -Mother Teresa

I have two passions: making money (performance) and giving away money (purpose). As a good Financial Shepherd, making money consistently for my clients at Shepherd Wealth Management fulfills my duty, obligation, and responsibility to utilize the gifts I have been blessed with to provide my clients with financial peace of mind and support my family. It is a violation of my personal code of ethics to not provide the highest levels of performance and service daily. The truth is, if I don’t then my clients suffer, my family suffers, and my community will suffer because I can not fulfill my purpose without performing to my full potential.

At Shepherd Wealth Management we invest a portion of our revenue in local charitable causes because “the value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving” (Albert Einstein). Although I donate and am actively involved at our church, the investment that we make at Shepherd Wealth Management will not go to any church or political organization.

During my quarterly performance review with my clients, I ask my clients if they have any charitable or philanthropic organizations they would like to nominate for our charitable donations commitment. I keep a list of all our client’s nominated organizations and select one each quarter to donate to. Clients love quarterly reviews for a lot of reasons, but now they get to see firsthand how our ongoing fruitful partnership has positively impacted our community.

At SWM, we are passionate about giving for all the reasons I just laid out but the number one reason for our giving is because it is the right thing to do. I have been blessed with the ability to be a CFP® Professional and I simply believe that the portion of our revenue that we donate is not truly the firm’s money. This is money is for those that need a hand-up in life, not a hand-out.

Other Benefits of Giving…

Giving is not just a corporate tax benefit. According to a study conducted by the University of Michigan, “older people who are helpful to others reduce their risk of dying by nearly 60 percent compared to peers who provide neither practical help nor emotional support to relatives, neighbors, or friends” (People who give, live longer: U-M study shows | EurekAlert! Science News). Another article published recently by the Cleveland-Clinic shows the health benefits associated with

giving include:

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Increased self-esteem

  • Less depression

  • Lower stress levels

  • Longer life

  • Greater happiness and satisfaction

University of Michigan. (2002, November 12). People who give, live longer: U-M Study Shows. EurekAlert!

Brain and Spine Team. (2020, November 30). Why Giving Is Good For Your Health. Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic.